Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"Finally Finished!" Fellowship

Hey Everyone,
We want to invite all of you to a fellowship on Saturday, October 9th, to celebrate getting our house finished. You can come anytime after 4:30, so that if the weather is good we can do some outdoor activities. We will be doing a pitch-in meal around 6:00, so bring whatever food you'd like. Also, bring your instruments, and we may do some singing later on. Please RSVP so we'll know how many to expect. Looking forward to seeing you all!

The Kientz's


  1. See you then! We are glad that the fellowships are resuming again. :)
    The Jacks

  2. Looking forward to it! Fellowships have been way too sporadic this year. Oh, and when we say bring your instruments, we MEAN bring your instruments :)

    The Kientz's
