- Singing (and Playing) Christmas Carols -
Mark, Jonathan, and Matthew playing their instruments.

Luke and Carlin playing their guitars.
Hmmm....should I smile?
Brittany, Nicole, and Luke.
- The White Elephant Gift Exchange -
A white elephant! Who would have thought?
David likes blocks.
Kippered Herring-Heidi's favorite.
A snapping turtle's foot!?! YUCK!
Mark got what he has always wanted-a jumbo boom box.
Both tape players worked!

-The Pinata-
Impatiently waiting to see what it is.
...and waiting.
The onlookers were struck with wonder...
...and amazement.
David takes a swing at it.
Uhh...swung a little too low.
It is headless now.
Luke thought he could get candy out by punching it.
The aftermath.
After busting the pinata, we played Spoons.
Scott, Charity, Joel, and Mark playing Steam at 11:30 PM.
Susanna, Nicole, Matthew, Jonathan, and Brittany
playing Settlers of Catan.
Evidently Mark didn't think too highly of his gift.
It "accidently" got ran over by his Suburban.
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