Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Friday Fellowship at the Campbell's

We are having a fellowship this Friday. I think its supposed to be nice, Lord willing. We thought we would start volleyball at 4:30 for those that want to play. Otherwise, feel free to come at normal start time of 5:45. Steve, we have a volleyball net and poles so you don't need to bring yours. We thought about having a Mexican night for food unless there are some of you that hate Mexican:) Also please bring your instruments so we could have a time of singing later. We were going to invite the Hobbs too. Please feel free to forward to anyone we missed. We hope you can make it and look forward to seeing everyone!

The Campbells


  1. Sounds great! We look forward to seeing all of you, too. Most of us will be there at 4:30.

    The Kientz's

  2. We're planning on being there (hopefully around 4:30 so we can play a little volleyball). Our van should be fixed by then :).
    The Jacks

  3. Thanks for hosting Campbells! We had a great time.

    The Kientz's
