Sunday, June 7, 2009

Awesome People in This Fellowship

The Campbells:
Scott: Has a boat. Need we say more?
Audra: Makes really sweet french toast.
Brittany Joelle: The only girl i know that will let a cockroach run up her arm with a smile on her face.
Carlin: Guitarist extraordinaire.
Elias: 3 feet tall and fearless.
Josiah: A confirmed bachelor at the tender age of 1 and a half.

The Kientzs:
Steve: Likes root beer.
Linda: "Oh....we have a fire!" The calmest mother of eight to be found.
JoelandCharity: Awwwwwwww!
Jonathon: The fastest hunt-and-peck typist.
Matthew: The breadmaker.
Susanna: Can talk her parents into anything.
Leah: She makes great embroidery.
Micah: Has a sweet knife.
Luke: Can ride a barn swing like a maniac.

We're out of time. Everyone else is awesome too. Way awesome. Too awesome for words. So we can't write about them.


Mark and the Jacks


  1. That is FUNNY! Where would you get the idea that we like root beer? :)

    The Kientz's

  2. Maybe because you went to four Sonics Wednesday so you could get free root beer floats! That was so much fun.
    We love you guys
    ~the Jacks

  3. Actually, the Sonic in Haysville was just faked :) HeeHee!
