Sunday, December 19, 2010

Caroling Pics...

After caroling the nursing home and a fire station, 
we headed to the girl's home in Wichita.

Caroling at the girl's home...

 Caroling to Matt and Trisha :)

On the way home we decided to stop at Dillons and carol outside...

 ...even though there weren't many people out, we still had fun (Right everyone??? ;)

Back at the house we warmed up with hot drinks

And had some goodies... 

The guys decided it was time for some bluegrass

And the girls enjoyed visiting


Friday, December 17, 2010


Hello everyone!

We are looking forward to caroling on Saturday.  The plan is:

Meet at the Kientz house at 4:30 pm to go through the songs a few times and put together some goodie trays to pass out (don't forget to bring goodies to pitch in and also to share together after caroling!)
The residents at the nursing home in Derby eat at 5:30 and it is arranged for us to sing to them while they eat.  After that we thought we could carol the fire station and possibly the EMS and police station (they are right behind the fire station.) Then Troy Pulver's family in Derby.  After that it should be about time to head to the Girls' Home in Wichita (we need to be there around 7pm.)  Then to Matt and Trisha's in Andover and the Williamson's grandparents in Douglass following that.  Then we could all go back to the Kientz's for a time of snacks and fellowship.

Hopefully this works for everyone!  See you on Saturday, Lord willing.

The Kientz's & the Jacks

Saturday, December 4, 2010

one more caroling practice...

We thought it would be nice to get in one more practice before we went caroling. 
For those who are planning to carol, could you meet this Thursday (the 9th) at 7pm
at the Kientz house to go through each of the songs a couple of more times? Please
let us know if you will be able to make it.
The Jacks

Monday, November 29, 2010

Caroling Practice

Hello Everyone!
We are planning to have the caroling practice this Friday, December 3rd, at our house (The Kientz's). We will be doing a pitch-in dinner around 5:00. Bring ideas about WHERE we could carol, as we will be discussing that also.

We were thinking about December 18th for caroling. Does that work for everyone???

Please let us know if you can make it.

In Christ,
The Kientzs

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Caroling Practice

Hello everyone!
Due to a number of people not being able to come for the caroling practice on the 13th, we've decided to postpone it. We will re-schedule and send out an email sometime after Thanksgiving to let you know when the next practice will be. Please let us know if you are interested in caroling so that we can get your music to you.


~The Kientz's and the Jacks

Friday, October 29, 2010


To those that would be interested in caroling:

Hello Everyone! As many of you know, we are planning to carol this year. Here are some of our thoughts and ideas:

Music: We found some caroling books online, that we think would be helpful. They have 50 Christmas songs in them, some very familiar, and others not as well known that we thought would be fun to learn.

Songs that we thought would be good for caroling are:
-Sing We Now of Christmas
-Still, Still, Still
-Here We Come A-Caroling
-Sussex Carol (We did that one last year, and thought it might be fun to do again.)
-We Wish You a Merry Christmas

We have 7 books, so if any of you would be interested in purchasing some of these, let us know.  (Price per book $3.19 each)

Meeting/First Practice: We'd like to do 2 practices before we go caroling. The first practice will be at the Kientzs on Saturday, November 13th. Eat supper before you come and the practice will be around 6:30 p.m. Bring a snack to pitch in.

Please R.S.V.P if you plan to come. Hope to see you there!!!

~The Kientzs and the Jacks

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fellowship Pictures

Annie and a puppy

 The puppies like Heidi
The girls play Bocceball

Music around the campfire

 Us guys

Midnight Spades :)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"Finally Finished!" Fellowship

Hey Everyone,
We want to invite all of you to a fellowship on Saturday, October 9th, to celebrate getting our house finished. You can come anytime after 4:30, so that if the weather is good we can do some outdoor activities. We will be doing a pitch-in meal around 6:00, so bring whatever food you'd like. Also, bring your instruments, and we may do some singing later on. Please RSVP so we'll know how many to expect. Looking forward to seeing you all!

The Kientz's

Thursday, June 17, 2010


We had 50+ people at Frontier Land
for volleyball this time.

The big, yellow, clumsy ox is just standing
with his hands in his pockets. Uuuuuhhhh...



A star server

Da cute widdle coach :)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Sand Volleyball!

We are planning another sand volleyball event at Frontier Land, the park near our house. The time is set for 5:30 pm this Wednesday. To save time, we will just meet there at the park. If anyone needs directions, just e mail or call.

The Jack family will provide Sloppy Joes and buns for everyone. Please RSVP so we can be sure to make enough. Everyone else can bring side dishes and dessert. (We will bring water too.)
Hope to see everyone there!
The Jacks

Friday, April 2, 2010

2010 CIBVT

Here are some pictures of the 2010 Clearwater International
Beach Volleyball Tournament.

Heidi(aka The Spiker) Jack carried away the trophy
for being the MVP of the tournament.

Some of the pros eating.

The weather was perfect for volleyball.


A very unintelligent person kicked the volleyball up in a tree.
(Not going to name names, but it starts with a "J" and rhymes with"gone again".)
This same person also got penalized for the most LUD's(Lame & Useless Dives) in the tournament.

Some of the pros return to the court after dinner

Thank you, Jacks, for hosting this! We had a great time!